Fiat rated lowest...

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Re: Fiat rated lowest...

Post by johndemar »

OK is this poll even statistically significant? I mean they polled 3 to 4 thousand out of a population of what 310 million? Someone do the math.

Geez, let the 500 actually be driven before putting the last nail in the coffin. Most of the dealers won't even be selling the car until this fall.
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Re: Fiat rated lowest...

Post by narfire »

I believe Fiat has a pretty healthy market share in Europe. How many cars in North America now?
Besides My 30 year old Fiat runs just fine thank you..... :D
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Re: Fiat rated lowest...

Post by ThomasP »

Two rules apply here:

Rule #1 - never believe a poll.

Rule # 2 - never believe a poll.
So Cal Mark

Re: Fiat rated lowest...

Post by So Cal Mark »

especially any poll that begins with Fox
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Re: Fiat rated lowest...

Post by DUCeditor »

Is this poll of actual, measurable quality? Or is it perception? The first might effect my purchase decision. The second would not unless short-term resale was likely.

The fact is that most people who do remember FIAT here in the States do so with a negative POV. Quality was spotty; dealerships far more so.

That, for many, hid the cars true value. Its advanced engineering, its style.

So be it.

Italian motorcycles. An Italian car. An Italian wife. What more could a man desire?
So Cal Mark

Re: Fiat rated lowest...

Post by So Cal Mark »

which 70s cars were anywhere near the quality of todays' cars? Try driving a muscle car of that era that hasn't been updated; they don't stop or turn and can't pass a gas station

Re: Fiat rated lowest...

Post by tonyfromjersey »

Wow, a rating based on a company that hasn't sold a car here for over 30 years. Very important information indeed.

I'm also looking for current quality standards information for horse drawn carriages and steam engine manufacturers.

The level of idiocy in the "newsy" shows, be it FOX, CNN, MSNBC continues to reach epic new heights. My personal favorite is reporters interviewing other reporters on their take on the news of the day.
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Re: Fiat rated lowest...

Post by Fi8spider »

"As ALG points out, the brand will have to erase distant memories of terrible vehicles from the 1970s"

terrible vehicles? erase distant memories?...please spare me…who did they poll to be able to make such a strong statement..the 70 y.o's in the honda car club? or maybe Marty has still got his tail up from the day in 1977 when his mate wiped the smile off his face in a little thing called a Fiat.

Also quite possible that these polls tend to lean towards the car manufactures that advertise with them and or any affiliated companies.

These polls aren’t even worth being given the time of day.
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Re: Fiat rated lowest...

Post by 2ndwind »

I've been pointing out to people for over twelve years how reporters interview reporters. Also notice how a reporter will say "... and a and b equals three, let's go to so-and-so for more." So-and-so (another reporter) says " today we found a and b equals three let's go to... ( a sound bite from an official spokesman/woman saying... a and b equals three)"

Duh, I heard it the first time.
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Re: Fiat rated lowest...

Post by spidernut »

rates auto brands on the "emotional connection" buyers have to the brands
This poll means absolutely nothing! "Emotional connection"? What the heck is that? It isn't quality, it isn't style, it isn't drivability. This is a 100% useless poll in my opinion. Now, if they used perception of the Fiat brand in America, it would make more sense since Fiat hasn't been around in 30 years. Did they rate AMC? Did they rate Renault? Did they rate Opel? Did they rate Citroen? They were all around 30 years ago in the US market.

Gheeeeeez! This is an example of the news media creating stories using a poll as the basis. A poll is not a news story based upon is a poll. Grrrr. Pet peeve of mine obviously!
John G.
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Re: Fiat rated lowest...

Post by Fi8spider »

Emotional connection.

It’s a Marketing term...the latest piece of rubbish to come from the University of Social Brainwashing. In other words they are measuring the amount and type of feeling a consumer has towards a particular brand due to marketing and advertising...nothing really to do with quality or value for money.

This poll as like many others before is basing its content on which ever car manufacturer spends the most advertising money with them, which in turn determines who they should support by evaluating "emotional connection".

Marty would be better off doing write ups for the latest iPod and leave the auto commentating for those who know where to gather facts from.
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Re: Fiat rated lowest...

Post by kbee00 »

So Cal Mark wrote:especially any poll that begins with Fox
Bad move Mark. Really.
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Re: Fiat rated lowest...

Post by bobplyler »

I remember when Consumer Reports rated the X1/9 as "unsafe" because it handled too well. That's when I stopped paying attention to anyone who doesn't know what they're talking about.
1979 Fiat Spider (since new)
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Re: Fiat rated lowest...

Post by Daniel »

One thing i can say, you never see a 1970s something Honda or Toyota still on the road ! I'm not saying
they don't exist and no one has them here and there still in running condition but i almost never see
them from that era on the road . I see Fiats on the road from time to time being used as daily drivers
maybe this isnt a good example but just pointing out what i have noticed personally .
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