First Fiat purchase - 1978

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First Fiat purchase - 1978

Post by dville »

Hi everyone! I'm just looking for a bit of advice - I'm seriously looking at a '78 with 89m miles. My mechanic says it's good to go - no problems. No rust, clean as a whistle in and out. Minor things - missing sun visors, a loose seat bolt, a crack (cosmetic) on the dash. Wants $4500 and will not haggle (this does not appeal to my Scottish ancestors..) Is this a fair price? I have pix if anyone wants. I've seen them higher and lower, so I'm in a quandary - I have no starting point. Thanks in advance!!!!!
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Re: First Fiat purchase - 1978

Post by TX82FIAT »

Is your mechanic specifically familiar with Fiats or similar italian cars like an alfa? If indeed he/she is and the car has no rust I would say it is a buy. I paid $4700 for an 82 with 68K that i knew needed electrical work but the engine was in good shape. There is a lot to look for when buying a spider. If you have done the homework to review things like crossmembers, shock towers, electrical, transmission and have no reason to be concerns... I'd say you have a fair price.
Buon giro a tutti! - enjoy the ride!

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Re: First Fiat purchase - 1978

Post by TulsaSpider »

Hmmm seems high to me. I got a rust free runner for $1000. Either way expect to replace lots of parts due to age. Just because it is in good shape does not mean it needs no work. Rust free is the most important thing in these though! If you like the paint and it is good shape that's very important too. Like you I'm Scots!
1978 Spyder 1800 make that 2L! Finally making real progress!
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Re: First Fiat purchase - 1978

Post by bobplyler »

dville wrote:89m miles.
WOW. Mine only has 255k. That's about 340 times as much as mine. The speedometer must have rolled over a lot.
1979 Fiat Spider (since new)
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