Hi carlito
Hope i can help here with a little insight since I've setup a number of Dual Carbs for these engines .
Here I have Dual Throttle boddies with the same bolt pattern as Weber DCOE Carbs that i am working on,
A Honda Intake Manifold and a Fiat Twin Cam Engine Manifold the bolt pattern for both engines aftermarket
Manifold accept DCOE Carbs ( or DCOE Throttle Boddies ) .

Weber Carbs ( IDFs & DCOEs ) are never sent from the factor to match up on the throttle shafts side by side right
out of the box . I've always had to cut at least one side down a tad and clean up the threads after doing so .
Here is a Photo of what you need parts wise to make the 2 Carbs work as one it's called a interconnecting linkage

You'll need this part to move forward with your dual carb build after getting your hands on that kit cut some of
the shaft off . You want to mark with a sharpie what is needed to be removed . To measure just set the carbs on
intake manifold and mark the end of the shaft carb on the right side needs to be modified you'll be taking the
Nut and Spring off . Once this is all done you can mate up your dual carbs but you want to purchace a Throttle
Cable as well it's pretty much a motor cycle type of Cable . The Throttle cable will need a mounting plate to
hold it in place all of these parts can be purchased at Pierce Manifolds
The interconnecting Linkage allows you to sink the carbs with an adjustment screw the return spring that you lose
on the one carb will not be missed since you'll have another on the other IDF plus the throttle linkage will have a
spring .
Hope this helps .