Hope this is the right spot for this question -if not my apologies and please let me know what would be the propper forum location.
Trouble-shooting my 1974 (January) CS1 Sport Spider with brake lock problems, I noticed a one-way air valve is installed in the (pretty dried out) vacuum hose connecting the engine intake to the brake booster. See pic below. The valve allows air to travel from the booster to the intake -thus creating the vacuum- and seems to be working. I've searched the forum and checked my bootleg work shop manual but can't find any indication that there should be one of these valves in the booster hose. I could be overlooking info as I am aware my (technical) English isn't that great but I hope someone could tell me if there should or should not be a one-way air valve in the hose betreen the engine intake and the brake booster. My Spider seems to suffer from a rough restauration by a former owner and I am absolutely not sure this guy did the right thing. Then again, I am just starting learning all about the Spider so I can't be sure of my own judgement either...
Would be great to hear from you! Wanna replace the hose tomorrow, with or without the one-way valve.
Thanks, Flo.
http://i129.photobucket.com/albums/p239 ... r-hose.jpg