Does anyone know how to remove the side "f" emblem without breaking it? Are they glued onto that plastic housing? I don't know how it happened, but when whoever put one of them on they put it on upside down so it looks like a "j" instead of an f. I noticed it when I bought the car last year and asked the owner at the time and he said he hadn't even noticed it. I'd like to flip it around if possible, to try an avoid buying a new one. Sorry, thought I had a picture of the upside down one, but I'm sure you can get the picture, with the picture shown.
Some are "stick on", but most have two pins that have plastic clips on the inside. you can get to the clips if you remove the inner rear quarter panel trim and the plastic bucket liner tht the top folds dow into with the drain tube. ( have to do this with the top up of course) If its a stick on type then possibly a heat gun and a little laquer thinner ( very little)
Michael and Deborah Williamson
1971 Spider -Tropie’ - w screaming IDFs
1971 Spider - Vesper -scrapped
1979 Spider - Seraphina - our son's car now sold
1972 Spider - Tortellini- our son's current
I assume you are saying the badge housing is on correctly but the plastic part is upside down, if this is so I would try using a hair drier to warm it up and get the glue to release and use silicone to re attach it.