maytag wrote:
your excellent grasp and use of the language led me to believe that you would understand sarcasm. My post above fairly dripped with it. Of course you misquoted Mark on purpose.... that is the point I was making, sarcastically. I'm sorry that escaped you.
Let me set the record straight for you (as I'm sure everyone else already understands). I absolutely believe that you know how to use the keyboard, and the "quote" tools in your posts. I absolutely believe that you missed the two most important words of that quote on purpose. I bow to your superior use of the English language, and its associated literary and editorial tools and nuance.
As for schoolyard dust-ups and honor; I thankfully have no need of either here. And rightly so, since an internet forum would be a poor place to seek either. My "knee-jerk", as you'll notice, is not about confronting anyone to whom I feel superior. It's about confronting those who I see as the "school-yard Bully" to use your own analogy. I see what looks like a consistent pattern of the same culprits bullying the same victims over and over again. And I step in. Just like decades ago, back at the schoolyard. (HEY! I LIKE this analogy..... I'm glad you brought it up!) No-one has asked me to step-in, but I believe common decency requires me to. My "honor" is certainly not at stake. is yours?
For you, this must seem a little bit like deja-vu all over again, eh? I mean, isn't this the same methodology we watched you use to unravel yourself over at F-Chat?
I wonder... do you own a Fiat?
Your Shakespearean mastery of sarcasm and paranoia-inducing cryptologic genius aside...
You're wasting your awesome talents here, now that you've found Fchat; that site functions fully half as a public willie-waving forum.
When you disrupt threads, such as the recent brake disc discussion, for no better purpose or effect than pitching a pantless tantrum, when you assault any who do not sufficiently echo your opinions or affirm your prejudices and stifle those who won't stand to a bully, rather than asserting your dominion over the forum you diminish the value and utility of it for those who are here because they are struggling to reclaim their beautiful, if too often and sadly neglected, Spiders from the abyss without any expectation or desire of navigating the maze of your pathologies.
...Teach what you know, learn what you can; leave the "King of the Internet" crap in the comments section of YouTube.