Here's a picture of my steering wheel. It began to make noise and I found rapidly the problem :
Is it possible to repair it with a VERY small needle to inject some epoxy? I would like to repair it but if the chances are near zero, I won't waste my time. Personnaly, I don't think it will work. Yeah, you can call me pessimistic...
There should be a ring of about 1/4" rod/wire forming the wheel as a base for the synthetic woodlike rim, so a cosmetic repair should not reduce wheel strength.
Since I've checked for replacement and the cost is ... costly. I'll give it a try. The odds are not to good but it's not a big job either. I have to choose between liquid epoxy or Gorilla glue. Gorilla is more liquid and likely to go everywhere. Other suggestion? (I don't have a dentist among my friends... ) And yes, the seats are made from leather. Aren't all Azzura made from leather? These one were blue at first but very well black tainted.
Thankyou Vandor for that quip.
Not sure how it should be spelt but "Too-shay" ? Mr bandarras AKA Puss-in-boots would know !
Just realised this is the guy saying he could not turn the wheels while the car stationary (unless he put lots of effort into the wheel) Twang. Ooops !
Gorrilla Glue, while pretty strong, is porous when cured so would make a much more noticable repair. Epoxy to bond the bits back together then a good epoxy based filler would be less noticable I recently bought a 'wood' wheel on EBay for 39.99 that looks great so maybe just a change. You surely should check your steering box and reduce the steering effort before any change or repair so it doesn't happen again!
The two-part marine-style epoxy will work in this application. If you mask right up to both sides of the crack, excess epoxy can be removed before it hardens. Testors makes a plastic model jar paint that matches your woodgrain very well. Look in a local hobby shop.
Having said this, the aftermarket wheels are smaller than the "hula hoop" OEM ones. Makes a huge difference in leg comfort. ingress and egress, and the ability to remove the cluster