My driver side rear is almost 1/2" lower than passenger side rear. The front is lower too, but a little less. I think if I can correct or compensate the rear, the front will come up as well? New shocks and springs have been installed, tires good condition, and equal tire pressure. Frame and body measurements were taken. I have triple checked and reset rear springs position. I tried these hard rubber spring spacers (supposed to raise the car) but very little raise. I may need to spread the spring more with a tool or something to get more help from the spacers.
Any suggestions on how to raise the driver side rear?? My anal retentive side is rearing its ugly head
Take the shocks and springs from the left and put them on the right. Then sit in the car. Problem solved. As a psychologist, I'd suggest the other option is to get your doctor to prescribe you Lexapro or something similar....
that picture is quite disturbing; the lower coils are going to bind, and you stand a chance of the spring breaking where the spacer fits. I would expect a really harsh ride
The ride did not change by any noticeable amount with the spacers. They will be coming out, as they don't add much if any height. Maybe if the lower part of the spring was spread and the put spacer in??
Switching sides with the springs sounds intriguing, but also a lot of work.. If the springs are interchangeable from side to side and being that they are the same height, why would switching them make a diff. I guess if one is stiffer than the other???
Torxx, the springs and shocks can go on either side. Usually the swap is for original springs that may be compressed for many years and swapping could help. I see from your pic you have the newer variable compression springs, so unless one is a different diameter from the other then may not be the problem. They look new.
The bottom of the spring seems to be set correctly, but I cannot see the top of the spring. There is the coupling at the top and bottom, that has to be pulled and put in, to align with the end of the coil. Is this done properly on the top?
Also, are you trying to raise the whole car, or are you just trying to raise the corner to level the body? The springs you have on there should probably lower the ride height about an inch or so.
I agree with Mark that somewhere the spacer will cause a ride problem or a bad hop on some bumpy corner.
Looking forward to your response.
Luck Dana
79 Spider 2000
It all about the romace of the car and owner
Springs are properly set in the top and bottom on both sides, for sure... I checked and re-checked.
I am only trying to raise the lower corner. Springs and shocks are new. Vendor no help. The spacers are coming out. I guess my next step will be to switch the rear springs. I had them installed. can I do it myself?? instructions please
you've got to lower the axle to replace the rear springs. Use a floor jack under the axle to lower and raise it. You may have to disconnect the center brake hose also. Did the car sit level with the old springs?
Torxx, now that you've said 3/8" I have a stupid question. Have you checked air pressure on the tires? I know it sounds pretty basic but a low one on one side and a high one on the other could make a 3/8" difference in height.
Ron Luxmore
'82 2000 Spider: after 26 years between Spiders.
Torxx, just a stupid question, But then those are sometimes my best. Has the car ever been wrecked? THis could just be a "bend" in the chassis? Does she drive straight?
Luck Dana
79 Spider 2000
It all about the romace of the car and owner
If you have a '79 spider or similar year, check the measurement in the pic below on your car. Compare both rear measurements and I m pretty sure that your driver side will be about 1/2" lower. I didn't think to measure others until after we removed the rear springs and switched sides, and some other attempts to raise the lower side. The older models are lower too, but to a lesser degree.