One of our Foxboro High School students passed away on Friday and there will be a moment of silence at the Patriots game tonight in his honor. We knew Sammy well and our son and he were in Scouts together. I can't overstate what a wonderful little fellow he was and we are all moved to tears by his loss. Here below are a couple of links to what is going on. He was nationally known, and his parents, Scott and Leslie, founded the Progeria Research Foundation. RIP, little buddy.
I have been reading news releases about Sam. Life is really a gift I too often take for granted. It is all too easy not to see others struggles. RIP Sam
Yes, we too often take it for granted, and this little fellow was a good example and lesson for all of us to the contrary. We had to do a three mile hike for one of the Boy Scout badges a few years ago, and he struggled like hell but made the whole route without a single complaint. His mom was in tears, which I think were composed of both worry and pride.
Just one more on my friend Sam Berns. The kids at the Foxboro High School created a wonderful tribute to him and I heard it on the news and found this item below in the local paper. It is based upon an old Japanese tradition.
Based upon that survey that is being taken in these pages, we are pretty much all of an older generation here, but it is really nice to know that the kids today have heart and are willing to express it. Sometimes it seems that they are just locked into those stupid cell phones or ipods and are completely disconnected. Then they surprise you and bring you back in.