Changed filler hose, won't start.

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Changed filler hose, won't start.

Post by 78Plum »

I recently changed the fuel filler hose on my 1978 Spider. It took a little while to get the part and actually change it, so the car hadn't been started in about 2 months, give or take. I finally changed the hose, filled the tank and now the engine will crank, but not start. I had the battery tested and charged at my local auto parts store. Was told it was fine. Is the next step the starter, or is it possible that the fuel pump is bad and the timing of these issues is coincidental? I also didn't prime any hoses before trying to restart the car. Is that necessary? It is on a slight uphill, but nothing major. I'm afraid that the fuel could have evaporated, but I didn't think I would have to prime anything. Any ideas?
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Re: Changed filler hose, won't start.

Post by azruss »

look at your fuel delivery. draining the tank probably stirred up a lot of rust that is now in your system.
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Re: Changed filler hose, won't start.

Post by bradartigue »

It is not the starter if the engine turns over.

Verify that fuel is flowing when the car is cranking.

Re: Changed filler hose, won't start.

Post by 78Plum »

Gotcha. Just wanted to get the engine running a couple more times before winter. Kinda new at this, and this is going to be my learning car when it comes to repairs. I appreciate the timely feedback.
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Re: Changed filler hose, won't start.

Post by AriK »

1)Two months of not starting a carbed engine,
2)The tank drained when you changed the filler hose.
Definetely alot of air in there. Pour the equivalent of a few tablespoons of fuel into the carb, crank and do alot of pedal pumping once she catches.
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Re: Changed filler hose, won't start.

Post by DieselSpider »

A few table spoons of fuel or some starting fluid in the intake may get you going however if ethanol dried up inside the carburetor bowl you may have some carburetor cleaning to do now along with a fuel filter to replace.

Re: Changed filler hose, won't start.

Post by 78Plum »

Welp, changed the fuel filter, but noticed no fuel was getting to it. Looks like it's time to change the fuel hoses and maybe the sending unit.
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Re: Changed filler hose, won't start.

Post by tblanck »

How did you access the tank and filler unit to replace the hose?
My 1978 Spider often sits for months in the Arizona heat. In order to start it I prime the fuel lines from the fuel filter back toward the tank and forward toward the carburetor, spray the carburetor with some fuel starter and have no trouble starting. Sorry for the late reply.
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