Puddle of Tears

Maintenance advice to keep your Spider in shape.
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Puddle of Tears

Post by joelittel »

Been working on other areas of the car, but I noticed this a couple weeks ago. A fresh puddle under the transmission, directly under the lowest plug. Not sure what went wrong but I'm very thankful I didn't drive off without noticing the puddle.

I'm not sure what the problem is so I'm looking for advice on where to start.

I had been disassembling the engine bay in preparation for swapping my block, when I discovered the puddle. Judging by the burt oil on the exhaust pipe I'd say it had to have started the last time my wife or I drove the car, but neither of us noticed anything out of the ordinary so I can't really guess how long this had been going on before it became the problem it currently is.

What should I be looking for and what do you think my worst case scenario is?

The pictures are not the best but here's what they say to me. Lots of fluid has started seeping out of my transmission after the bell housing. Most of it pooled up on the garage floor directly under the plug on the lowest part of the transmission (the one that looks like the oil drain plug). There is also an oily mix on everything after the bell housing, basically the underside of my car is covered in it.....

Last edited by joelittel on Sun Nov 08, 2015 8:04 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Puddle of Tears

Post by DieselSpider »

Hi Joe - Can't see the image from the secure Google URL which requires one to logon to a Google Account to view.
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Re: Puddle of Tears

Post by joelittel »

I did not know that. Thanks. I'll find another solution shortly.
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Re: Puddle of Tears

Post by baltobernie »

What quantity of leak are we talking about? A couple of ounces can seem like an ocean. Engine oil is thinner than transmission oil. Compare the leak to what you see on the engine dipstick; are they the same?

Since you are pulling the engine, the source may be moot. If I had to guess, I'd say rear main seal. If you're swapping engines, you'll be replacing all the seals anyway.
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Re: Puddle of Tears

Post by joelittel »

Using photobucket now, so the image should show up.

It seemed like a lot of oily fluid to me. But like you said, ounces could seem like an ocean.
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Re: Puddle of Tears

Post by baltobernie »

When you replace the engine, ditch the homemade exhaust setup as well.
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Re: Puddle of Tears

Post by joelittel »

Baltobernie when you say "Homemade exhaust setup" which part are you referring to?

That's Mark's 2 1/4 exhaust system you see. I did not install it, my mechanic did, so if you see something odd or out of place I'd like to know so I can address it while I've got the car in pieces.

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Re: Puddle of Tears

Post by TX82FIAT »

Sometimes on these engines it takes time to get all these little leaks buttoned up. Once I get it leak free, something else tends to leak a little a few months later. Current oil drip that is so slow you would never notice it if I did not park the car in the same spot. I only put about 2000 miles on the car a year so the end of season oil change is all the oil I need to add annually. For the drip, to keep the wife happy and our tan speckled epoxy floor tidy, we purchased a $5 drip pan at Walmart. An old cookie sheet or two will work just as well giving you a better measure of what rate the car is actually leaking.
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Re: Puddle of Tears

Post by joelittel »

I like the catch pan idea. That will give me a real accurate assessment of my situation(s) going forward.

I also agree with you TX82FIAT, it does seem that when I get one aspect of the car buttoned up something else requires equal or more attention.

I still need to identify where the leak is coming from, but it's definitely more than a drip... it could have been a cup or even more of oil on the floor.

My fingers are crossed that Bbaltobernie is correct, in that it's a moot point because I'll be replacing the seals anyway.

It just seems odd to me that I had no issues for the better part of the summer and then all of a sudden one day a large pool of fluid on the floor.
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Re: Puddle of Tears

Post by baltobernie »

joelittel wrote:That's Mark's 2 1/4 exhaust system you see. I did not install it, my mechanic did, so if you see something odd or out of place I'd like to know so I can address it while I've got the car in pieces.
Perhaps it's the angle of the camera, but it looks like the exhaust is way lower than the factory setup. I'm not familiar with Mark's product, but his stuff is usually first-rate, so maybe it's the photo. I've seen some pretty leaky Spiders, but none that have thrown oil onto a factory exhaust pipe that far rearward.

Once the wire spring wears thru the rubber, a seal will begin leaking rather dramatically, as its basically been cut in half. I'm just guessing here. I'm sure you'll go over the new engine thoroughly before installation.
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Re: Puddle of Tears

Post by grrrdot »

It's tough to tell where the leak is coming from. I usually go to the DIY car wash and clean the area real good then check back after a few miles.
If your going to have the engine out its not much more work to replace the front transmission seal, it's a cheap part as well.
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Re: Puddle of Tears

Post by joelittel »

grrrdot I was thinking the same thing. Might as well replace any questionable seals that I can get to while I'm in there.

I'm still not sure where the leak is coming from, but only because I've been focused on the engine rebuild.

My current plan is to clean up the trans, and top it off with fresh oil. Then I'll watch and wait for the leak to present itself. I'm really hoping that it's just the pan and/or plug.

Driving season is most likely done for me so I've got all winter to figure this out.
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