A little chilly in the mornings here but I have been riding the Aprilia Motorbike daily since Tuesday. Once the sun comes up its been top down weather every day so its been that quandary between Italian Motorbike or Italian Convertible for the commute and then the hardest choice of all - Keep on riding/driving past the office or stop at work.
Have not connected the heater core yet and have been using the 12 volt electric defroster unit from Harbor Freight that's been selling for $9 to clear the windshield and take the chill off.
These winter days when its so cold out it can be a bear especially when it gets down to a frigid 50 to 60 degrees and you have to wear a windbreaker or sweater along with your winter cap.
Or perish your warm winter gloves (go with light colors as the harsh winter sun can make your hands sweat too much):
Wish I had time for a 3 hour jaunt today. Pics look nice.