Line Replacement

Maintenance advice to keep your Spider in shape.
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Line Replacement

Post by BigMacDave »


I am in the process of replacing just about everything in my braking system. I have hit a small snag.

Hoping someone has crossed this bridge.

It seems the person that last replaced the short flex that goes between the line that runs to the compensator and the T fitting (the roughly 8 inch piece above the rear axel if I'm not describing it right) rounded off the line nut. of course if will not come off now.

My question is, what are my options.

I was considering just snapping the line out and remaking one. It just runs from the compensator to that flex piece, BUT it has several pretty wicked bends in it, I'm not sure i can replicate.

There also doesn't seem to be enough "slack" for me to cut the very end off and just put a new nut on.

If i could get the nut to come out, i could just cut the very tip off and put a new nut on. but it is seriously just completely rounded, and obviously in a very bad spot to get any tool to get a good tork on it.

Or should i just leave it alone? I'm not sure if that part has a fail rate, the tubing seems to be flexible still and not cracking.

Thank you as always
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Re: Line Replacement

Post by Nanonevol »

Even if you could cut it won't you need to re-flare the end of the line (in that tight space)? I'd consider leaving it be if it's not leaking and if the flex and hard lines look to be in fair condition.
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Re: Line Replacement

Post by 80spiddy »

I had the same issue. I was able to grip it tight with a small vice grip.
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Re: Line Replacement

Post by spider2081 »

I have had pretty good luck with a pair of these ... -2948.html
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Re: Line Replacement

Post by BigMacDave »

those pliers look promising. if i can just get the nut to come off, i can maneuver the loose end down enough to nip the end off the pipe and put a new nut on and flair the pipe back out. the flare tool isn't very big at all.
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Re: Line Replacement

Post by spider2081 »

I know there is huge danger in heating brake line fittings. You are replacing the hose so cutting it and letting all the brake fluid out of the line and hose before you loosen the nut is not a lot different then loosening the nut and having the fluid drain out. So you could cut the hose and try some heat on the flare nut once all the fluid is drained. Keep in mind brake fluid is pretty flammable so safety glasses and fire extinguisher a must.
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