Hi KLC356,
thank you for sharing your project!! I think it wil l be verry interesting
You asked for information about parts, they are not really easy to get.
( My Spider is an fuel injection and many parts are different so i cant help You here).
But when i wanded to disassemble parts i do two things:
First check the aviability ( if Your part is so rare or expensive, that a lost will turn Your Spider into a wreck ) – leave it as it is*.
Second to get informations: Most of the parts have an farbication number and the manufacturers info. And while every manuafcturer loves people who care about their old products most of them will send you explosion drawings of the product wich helps a lot to dissasemble them.
I won't last long and you are an googlecrack to find partlists and informations about your elektro-mechanical patients
My Alternator is from BOSCH and i kindly asked them to send me informations about it. An Explosion Darwing was send to me including all partnumbers. I was then able to buy new ball bearings and a new slip ring.
Some times you'll find a thread in wich someone already has done all the work and You'll only need follow him ( i have done this several times during my restauration). The Fiat Parts are also used in Lancia, Lada, Ferrari, Seat, etc....
Bosch Parts are used for Mercedes, BMW, Ford etc. If You are in need of Informations i can help you with all Stuff that is also used in an Fuel Injection Spider...
* i dont think that there are Spider parts wicht cant be found exept special parts like the brown interieur for the limited editions etc...
Im looking forward to read about your restauration !!