rear caliper assembly?

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rear caliper assembly?

Post by Rotoariesarecool »

Got new rear calipers and wedges and I just cant seem to get both wedges in place. I've tried putting one wedge in then compressing the springs with my hand and putting the other in, then i tried a c clamp to compress the springs and put both in at the same time but I always run into the same problem; either I compress the spring too much and the wedge wont go in because the caliper and the bracket aren't aligned or the wedge just plain won't fit because the spring Isn't compressed enough. What do I do? is there any trick I dont know about? I really hope so because this is a rear PITA

additionally what sort of grease/lubrication should I use on the wedges?
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Re: rear caliper assembly?

Post by DieselSpider »

You use regular High Temp Silicone Brake Grease just like you do on any other brake pad service regardless of whether they use wedges or guide pins.

Front or back I slide the caliper in place first, gently pry the caliper up to slip in the bottom wedge and then down to install the top wedge. Just be sure that all the rust is first removed from the wedges and the caliper mounts and that they are adequately greased before you slide them in and do not make sanding/wire brush marks at an angle to the direction that the calipers slide when operating as this will only make them more likely to stick.
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Re: rear caliper assembly?

Post by grrrdot »

Sounds familiar, are you sure your putting in the wedges the right way around?
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