A/C wiring?

Gotta love that wiring . . .
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Posts: 364
Joined: Sat Dec 27, 2014 5:50 pm
Your car is a: 1981 Spider

A/C wiring?

Post by rodo »

My '81 had a/c at some point; when I bought the car, the PO had all the components removed. Now, as part of trying to put all the electrics in the dash back together, I'm attempting to eliminate those a/c wires. I found a black box w/ plug/wires, down in the passenger footwell, screwed into the firewall. I think this is part of the a/c wiring, sure doesn't seem possible it could be for anything else, but I wanted to confirm before I start taking it all out.
Posts: 3827
Joined: Fri Mar 15, 2019 11:23 pm
Your car is a: 1969 and 1971 124 spiders
Location: San Francisco Bay Area

Re: A/C wiring?

Post by 18Fiatsandcounting »

My memory is fuzzy here, but I believe that A/C systems on spiders were installed at the dealer and not at the factory. As such, different dealers may have moved things around differently to make room for the A/C, making it hard to give a definitive answer. However, the A/C evaporator unit was typically located in the passenger footwell, likely with some electrical connections to it, and so it's quite likely that this is what you have in your car.

Other relays that might be part of your puzzle are for automatic transmission cars, or power windows, if you have those features. Usually those were located in the "relay tray" under the glovebox.

Posts: 364
Joined: Sat Dec 27, 2014 5:50 pm
Your car is a: 1981 Spider

Re: A/C wiring?

Post by rodo »

Thanks, Bryan. I've not got the power windows nor auto so that helps, some. I'm also dealing with the turbo wiring, but I think I have that sorted out, mostly on the driver's side. This one box has a couple of plugs that seem to correspond to the evaporator box (still have it) so I'm guessing that's what they must be for. Also helps explain some wires in the engine compartment next to the airbox. Getting there...
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