To wit: how to make a turbo pipe. My ideas was originally to fabricate a metal part that would form the flat-oval between the turbo and the next 90 degree turn. Problem: no space in which to fit a silicone joint between a metal connection and the turbo. Spaces are that tight. So the whole thing has to be made of something else, something flexible, and thus, let me introduce you to my new friend: self-amalgamating rubber tape. Here is how I proceeded:
I used green floral foam (nasty stuff) to make the basic shape. You will see where this is going.
Then I used casting tape to make the basic shape. I thought casting tape would be it for the intake structure as the rubber tape is, well, rubber. But I had no idea how much heat the fiberglass casting tape could handle. So...
I cut open the casting tape form and removed the green foam model, then wrapped that in rubber tape. Wasn't sure quite how this would work out as the tape was so thin...but look at the original turbo hose: it is wrapped...something. So I kept going. This isn't the final version, there were some kinks to work out. I had an oblong shape along the back sticking out, and the larger curve was not quite the shape I needed to get to the other hoses. Rubber tape is astonishing: I cut out a bit, reshaped, then taped it up again, and it fused back together. Now it is thicker and stronger and stiffer enough to actually work as an intake hose. (The rubber is also rated at 500 degrees.)
(Footnote: I needed a back up plan so before I tossed the cut open casting tape form, I wrapped it with painters tape and filled it with plaster so I would have another mold if things did not work out with my plan.)
Okay, so now I've got the rubber bit for the lower part. Then it got easier. Two 68mm silicone elbows (from ebay) and two bits of muffler pipe flared slightly (from a local shop that was not nice to work with). Ended up with this:
Here is what the finished bits look like next to the original:
My new rubber bottom hose is flexible enough to get shoved in past the wastegate and to be adjusted (with the exhaust tubing and clamps) so that I can avoid touching the firewall or anything else and get the elbows up to the intake airbox. (68mm, by the way, fits the airbox exactly.)
I have done a test fitting and it was pretty dang close, close enough that I'm going to install it and see how it holds up. Now the hang up is figuring out how to get the clamp onto the lower hose where it snugs onto the turbo...I mean, how to do that using a pair of human hands. There is just no room and I'm not sure how much shoving in I can/ought do.
Stay tuned for Part II of this exciting drama.