Car died while driving and now wont start

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Car died while driving and now wont start

Post by bdinardo »

Fuel injected Spider 2000. Was driving down the road at 50 mph and engine was purring perfectly. out of nowhere it sputtered for a few seconds and lost all engine power. Electronics are still working correctly and has full electronics power and turns over well but will not catch/run for more than a second or two or stay running. The one diagnosis that I've found is that as soon as I turn the key to run (not start) the fuel pump turns on and stays on. I understand this is not supposed to happen. It's supposed to only turn on after the Air Flow Sensor flap moves. Before this drive I know this was operating correctly after the engine rebuild. I feel these could be related or causing my issue but I'm not sure how the pump running "early" could cause the car to die or prevent it from starting and stay running? Any thoughts?

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Re: Car died while driving and now wont start

Post by 18Fiatsandcounting »

I'm not an expert on fuel injection, but there is a pretty good FI diagnostic guide at Look under Library/Item Specific/Fuel Injection.

Since it just stopped running and it was running fine before, my guess is that something became disconnected, or possibly a fuel filter finally got plugged up completely.

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Re: Car died while driving and now wont start

Post by rlux4 »

Things I'd check first"
Your fuel pump should definitely not run until the engine is cranking, drawing air into the AFM, which opens the flap, moves the contact arm inside and closes contact to power the pump. It's common for this factory setup to be bypassed by people not willing to diagnose a non-start, but with some research and forum help the system can and should be returned to original. It's a safety feature in case of an accident. If the engine stalls the fuel stops flowing.
Are your injectors firing? You could listen for clicking with a mechanic's stethoscope, but I prefer using a noid light. They're not expensive but you can borrow them from some auto parts strores.
The inline fuse added by Fiat for the FI fuel pump circuit is up behind the fuse panel on a brown with white wire. The factory fuse holder is prone to be faulty and loose contact, stopping power to the fuel pump. It's hard to find up in the rat's nest of wires, but it's there. I suggest cutting it out and replacing it with a modern AGC type fuse holder.
If the car sputters runs for a few seconds your pump is getting power and the cold start valve is supplying the only fuel. You need to diagnose why your injectors aren't firing. Do you have Brad Artigue's diagnostic manual? If not, download and follow it. ... hp?id=6156
It was my bible when I first got my car and it would stall randomly, usually in the middle of a busy intersection.
Let us know how you're doing.
Ron Luxmore
'82 2000 Spider: after 26 years between Spiders.
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