Different Idle Solenoids on Two 32ADFA Carbs

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Different Idle Solenoids on Two 32ADFA Carbs

Post by fiasco »

Ryan (SpiderHead) came up from Long Beach today with a rebuilt carb from the '76 he used to have to switch with mine to see if that would improve my rough idle/stalling problems. We got mine out with no problems, and took out the solenoid shown below (which I'm assuming is the idle solenoid - someone correct me if I'm wrong). However, the solenoid would not fit in Ryan's carb.

My carb is a Weber 32ADFA. The code stamped on the side is 32ADFA15 101.

Ryans carb is a Weber 32ADFA. The code stamped on the side is 32ADFA 5 100

This is the solenoid.

It fits in my carb (32ADFA15 101).

It does not fit in Ryan's carb (32ADFA 5 100).

So - obviously there are different solenoids within the 32ADFA model of carb. Possibly the "15 101" and "5 100" differences in the code stamped on the side indicate variations within the model that effect the typed of solenoid? Bottom line is, I need to make a decision. Do I stick with my current carb and try other things to fix my rough idle/stall problem? Do I try to find a solenoid for Ryan's carb and make the switch? Do I take my carb out and have it rebuilt professionally? Do I order a brand new carb? Do I just drop it off at Mark's shop and spend the money to have someone else do it?

I'm more than a little frustrated that my very first project - which should have been pretty straightforward - has resulted in failure, frustration, a non-running car, and the potential for a fire in the engine compartment (see my other thread: http://fiatspider.com/f08/viewtopic.php ... &sk=t&sd=a). And now my wife is irritated that I have to take her car to work and leave her without transportation on the kid's first day of Christmas vacation (I know, wha wha wha).

Thanks all,
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Steve Eubanks
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Re: Different Idle Solenoids on Two 32ADFA Carbs

Post by TulsaSpider »

I am still new at this and I have been working on mine since I bought it in May.
If you have the resources I would suggest letting Mark look at it. Normally this kind of thing is a fairly easy fix.
***The trick is to locate the problem!!***
There are many posts on these subjects and we all have suggestions on what to try etc.. but it could take quite a while as this forum takes time to read and respond to etc... I would love to have someone whom I could take it to and check things out!!! Your other post looks like a very easy fix BTW. Remember your car is 33 years old. From what I see it looks to be in darn good shape. (I have only seen parts of the motor) It's going to have issues.. What do you know of it's history? How long have you had it? What kind of mechanical experience do you have? I drive mine daily. As I could afford it I replaced every piece of hose, timing belt, points, cap rotor, wires etc. Every time I did something to it, it either runs better or is more reliable. You will learn your car, it's a process. It took me a few months and a few setbacks (recently a major one) but I always seem to get through them. Now it seems to be running better than ever. It's frustrating from time to time, we all get frustrated. These cars are easy to work on, I think that's why I enjoy mine so much. It also depends on your level of mechanical experience and confidence on what you want to tackle yourself. The more you work on her the more confidence and satisfaction you will have. You are luck to have such a large and enthusiastic community on the West coast there.

Do you have a timing light? Have you checked the timing? Does the idle solenoid "click" when you reconnect the wire with the key on? What happens if you lightly hold you hand over the carb throat?

Good luck and hang in there!
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Re: Different Idle Solenoids on Two 32ADFA Carbs

Post by fiasco »

Thanks for the encouragement Clark. I decided to take it to Mark in the morning.

Generally, I feel pretty confident in my ability to troubleshoot and figure things out (given enough time), but I really need a rolling project so I can get myself to work and free up my wife from chauffeur duty. With that realization, I feel like I need to take it to Mark and get a solid foundation that I can drive and work on as I go. I figure that I can have Mark do quite a bit without any danger of running out of things for me to do afterward.

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Steve Eubanks
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Re: Different Idle Solenoids on Two 32ADFA Carbs

Post by manoa matt »

Steve there are two different idle solenoids for the 32 ADFA, one has 10mm threads and is a bit thinner, you have the 12 mm thread version that is a bit beefier.

Did you test your solenoid for the "click" as per the manual? Also if the jet tip looks good (perfectly conical) and is clean it should work fine.

Despite the solenoid, the carbs are identical. You can mix and match the body castings. You can use the casting from your carb with the idle solenoid, and the rest of the parts from the other to make one complete carb, that's what I did.
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Re: Different Idle Solenoids on Two 32ADFA Carbs

Post by fiasco »

Matt - I did check the jet tip, and it looks good. I haven't performed the check described in the manual, because the manual is on my work laptop which I left at the office over the weekend (the downside of multiple computers).

I'm taking it in to Mark this morning, so hopefully I'll have a smooth running car soon, and I can turn my focus to other things like electrical issues and brakes.

-- se
Steve Eubanks
1969 Fiat 124 Spider AS | 2108 Fiat 124 Spider Classica | http://calstylestudio.com

Re: Different Idle Solenoids on Two 32ADFA Carbs

Post by SpiderHead »


How did it go?

I'm just dieing to know..

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Re: Different Idle Solenoids on Two 32ADFA Carbs

Post by fiasco »

Mark's been working on it today. Biggest problem was apparently no gap in the points, though there were some carb issues as well. He's gonna tune it for smog, and get it tested tomorrow, then tune it back to a driving set up so I can pick it up tomorrow. I'll get a complete report tomorrow when I pick it up and post it.

-- se
Steve Eubanks
1969 Fiat 124 Spider AS | 2108 Fiat 124 Spider Classica | http://calstylestudio.com

Re: Different Idle Solenoids on Two 32ADFA Carbs

Post by SpiderHead »


Good luck Steve! I'll keep my fingers crossed!

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