I am getting my 80 spider ready for new paint, I pulled the motor and was cleaning out the engine bay and found some ripples in the inner fenders at the top of the shock tower. I read in one of the previous posts somone wanted to make a shock tower brace and So Cal Mark said he had seen them come in at the top. I ran sand paper over the ripple to make it stand out but is this what he was talking about?
I also found cracks in the clutch cable stop on the fire wall, also in picture, is this common?
The ripple is on both sides but not as bad on the right side. I have fixed the clutch cable end plate, I removed the stop made a plate 3X5 inches and spot welded it around both holes and put the stop plate back on, i was just wondering if this was a common occurance.
I know that last reply was a joke but it was bent from the front going down and the towers going forward, I remember exactly how and when it happend but never thought to look there for dammage, I did have to replace the cross member.
what happend is water under the bridge, it was a ditch the fiberoptics cable co put across the road, they filled it and put gravel in, I know this, someone took the gravel out, two days in a row, the first day I hit it about 30 MPH, what I wanted was to know if this is the dammage you were refering to when you saw the towers comming in at the top?