Has anyone replaced the dipstick seal? Is it possible from outside the engine, or is this something done on a rebuild? Looking for some wisdom before I go breaking things.
The dip stick oil seal is the rubber piece at the top of the dip stick, where it enters the tube. The picture is of where the tube enters the engine. This is a compression fitting, very similar to a compression fitting found in plumbing. Unfortunatly the dip stick tube or the threaded fitting does not have a flared end. And when the fitting is tight the tube can still move indicating that it does not positively secure the tube. Aside from cleaning off the sludge and tightening the fitting not much else can be done. be carefull when tightening the fitting. Space is tight, and an open end wrench easily slips off of the fitting= busted nuckles. Also the fitting is made from a softer steel so it can easily deform. Since this opening is near the top of the engine not much oil should come out anyway. Best to just clean it off, check the tightness of the fitting, and leave it alone then periodicaly clean it off every few weeks.
that compression fitting should clamp the tube tightly. If it doesn't, either it's not tight enough or the fitting is damaged. It's best to use a line-wrench crows' foot to tighten or remove it
I saw this post a few weeks ago and was in the process of replacing oil seals and gaskets on my engine. I had the same problem with oil leaking out of the fitting where it meets the engine block. I ordered one for a 78 spider. part no. 54-3656. I recieved the rubber stopper at the top of the tube it goes around the dipstick itself. at less than $2 a piece order both and see what you get. from all this, I dont think there is an oil seal where the tube and the fitting go into the block. just compression.
vic auto sports sells them on page 42 of catalogue.
Also I ordered a crankcase ventilaton hose, the short one. this is a small hose with a sharp 90 degree. these are very hard to find, and since they
are so close to the block they loose vulcanization quickly. anyway vic auto sent the hose. when I recieved it I knew it wasn't the hose I needed. To me it looks exactly like the small heater hose that comes out of the firewall. I called vic auto and they told me if I cut the hose down it would fit. Bull S--- not even close. They are trying to sell a heater hose as a CV hose. any one know where I can get a Crankcase ventilation hose, the short one?
My 79 is as Mike described it, and Matt yours is a diff set up? Sounds like the seal that you recieved is the kind me and Mike need. By the looks of the picture, The dipstick simply pulls out, and the tubular seal goes on bottom into block, I would also apply sealer.
the original elbow hose on the crankcase vent is no longer available. All the vendors now receive just what you describe; a hose with a 90 degree bend that needs to be cut down.
79 and later cars used a different dipstick, and that one did use a seal at the block. The difference is that the later tubes had a bracket at the top that fastened the tube securely. The earlier cars had a bracket that the tube slid into so the only clamp is the fitting at the bottom.
If you want to see a picture
The dipstick oil seal is for sale on ebay right now (next 20 hrs) in the search bar type (fiat spider seal) should be the first item on the list However if you want it to to vic auto, its alot cheeper.
that seal (evilbay) is for the other end of the dipstick....top of the tube. this is not the seal I need. Vick's does not carry the seal i need.
the 90 degree elbow tube i just received from Vicks for the crankcase cyclonic trap required no trimming, and appeared to be an identical replacement for the one on the vehicle.
You must have gotten lucky on that breather hose. As far as the oil seal, vics has 4 variants (too bad no pictures or diagrams) There is a tube insulator and a tube seal. I ordered part no. 54-3656 which is not described as either. It is the part at the top of the tube.
I think you want either part no. 54-3606: 2000, Brava(tube seal) 79-80 or part no. 54-3687: 2000, Pinn.,Brava (tube seal) 81-85
Since they are all around $2 order both and see what you get. If they are both wrong then I guess $4 is not too big of a loss, or return them.
If I don't know what I'm talking about ignore this, otherwise good luck
and let us know if it works.
Mark Vaughn posted the question about two months ago and only one reply untill this week. Then whamo! the whole history and evolution of the Fiat dipstick oil seal. I think its great that everyone is so helpful and everyone can benefit from everyoneelses collective knowledge. I wonder if Mark Vaughn is still looking for an answer?
Since finding this forum I have steadly gotten less and less done at work. If there is is'nt a volley of replies going back and fourth about a current problem the only thing to do is reply to old questions and start the game all over again LOL.
that happens frequently; especially when the volume posters (like me) are interested in a particular subject...at the time...because they're just into that specific thing.
I had ->| |<- this much knowledge about dipsticks until last week when i was forced to work on mine. only cooincidence brought this post back to life at the exact same time. i am highly interested....now...