“Well all I can say is: who ever would even think using the word gay in a sentence is gay and offensive, must be a retard”.
Do you mean retard like my developmentally delayed sister? Is this word’s pejorative context “legitimate reason” for me to be offended? Let’s look at your opener again:
“Well all I can say is: who ever would even think using the word gay in a sentence is gay and offensive, must be a retard”
WOW. The amount of ignorance packed into one sentence there is amazing. It doesn’t even make sense: “…the word gay in a sentence is gay and offensive…” WTF? Is it gay to use the word gay in a sentence? Is that what you’re trying to ask?
Do you really think that the use of the word GAY is meant to refer to a pleasant state of being within context to someone taking issue with something? Really? Seems to me that a pleasant state of being is very unlikely to be used in the pejorative. Much less likely than a population of underrepresented and commonly hated minorities who can’t even marry the person they’ve fallen in love with because it makes straight people uncomfortable. The argument that the pejorative use of the word gay is meant to refer to anything that is happy rather than to that which is homosexual is offensive to me. It’s also offensive to each of my friends, and begs for the personal attack that I'm resisting.
“White people are ruining it for white people with all the new "thats offensive" BullS***.” Where does race enter in to this? Really, I’d like this answered. WTF? What exactly is being ruined, and why is “it” being ruined for those of a specific race by those of a specific race? I’ll go ahead and suspend my offense in case it’s not a “legitimate reason” based on your response. Just FYI: both Your “hear say” argument and your understanding of judicial process would have more credibility if you spelled hearsay correctly.
I believe you that those you ask are not offended by the pejorative use of the word gay, and they don’t give a crap. This can be compared to water seeking the path of least resistance, or in this case, blithe ignorance taking the fluid like path of least resistance until each of the Great Lakes are filled with it. “I don't know anyone thats offended. I ask everyone i know and frankly nobody gives a crap. I bet its like that in most places.”
Minnesota is one of the whitest states in the country, making the top five list at 88.6 percent. Only five percent of Minnesota’s population is foreign born. Only one percent of Minnesota’s residents are made up of two or more races. Only eight percent of homes in Minnesota use a language other than English. Minnesota is 4.7 percent black, and 4.3 percent Latino. Black people own 1.8 percent of the businesses in Minnesota. Asian people own 1.7 percent of the businesses in Minnesota. No reports as to the numbers of homosexuals there in Bloomington, Hennepin County, or the state of Minnesota. I suspect that fear might have something to do with that.
"By 2005, the number of same-sex couples increased to 10,899.3 This increase likely reflects same-sex couples’ growing willingness to disclose their partnerships on government surveys.
• In 2005, there were an estimated 121,645 gay, lesbian, and bisexual people (single and coupled) living in Oregon."
http://www.law.ucla.edu/williamsinstitu ... apshot.pdf
I suspect that their being recognized, and/or respected by the largest segment of Oregon's population might have something to do with that. Just sayin'...
My point here is that Minnesota Spiderman is likely a sample from a population who is one of the least likely in the United States to have been exposed to or understand issues like cultural and/or racial bias. Do you think he knows how it might be really damn hard to be different when the word he had to use to describe his difference was also used to define all that is negative? I don’t. His qualifications for identifying what he described as a game “that only white people pretend to think that other races find offensive” seem slim to me because of the statistically low chance that he spends much time with any non-white people while also chatting them up about racial politics. I bet there are even fewer openly gay people in Hennepin County than there are non-white people. How would he know what this population does, or does not find offensive? Should he just trust the internet? Roughly seventy five percent of Minnesota’s residents have less than a bachelor’s degree, and though I believe that Minnesota Spiderman wasn’t bashing homosexuals, I’ll bet he’s had fewer than 2 of them in his home within the last year.
Minnesota Spiderman’s credibility as a stand-up car guy has been made clear within other topics, and I’d shake his hand at a car show & talk Fiats for hours without hesitation.
Minnesota Spiderman, you’re making the narcissistic assumption that most people think like you do and THAT is offensive to me. Still, I’m not nearly as offended by your post as I am
entertained. Your post gave me a strange hakering for chewing tobacco. If my sister had the capacity to understand your meaning (not that I get it either) she would likely be unimpressed at the least.
They came first for the Communists,
and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Communist.
Then they came for the trade unionists,
and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Jews,
and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Jew.
Then they came for me
and by that time no one was left to speak up.
-Pastor Martin Niemöller (1892–1984)