As long as we are doing proud papa,my personal pick
Craig Nelson
1982 Spider 2000...pride and joy
1981 Fiat X1/9..gone but not forgotten
1976 124 Spider..the self-healer
2001 BMW 328ci daily driver and track car Fling It Around Turns !
I agree!
Here's a mega update In memory of the guy who started this awesome thread.
You remember the guy who could take your POS clock and turn it into a NOS clock?
I totally agree...Mike and Denise are too frumpy!!
your buddy,Craig
ps...I miss Nick's posts too
Craig Nelson
1982 Spider 2000...pride and joy
1981 Fiat X1/9..gone but not forgotten
1976 124 Spider..the self-healer
2001 BMW 328ci daily driver and track car Fling It Around Turns !
You guys are pretty funny . I read the specs on the Fiat and it states that it carries 2 passingers and cargo for a total of 400 lbs. I take up just over half that. Put my wife in the car and then maybe we could get some cary out B4 the wheels fell off.
Some ladies leaning on Gary Poage's '69 spider at the 2009 Best of France and Italy Show (Los Angeles). They were operating a food booth at the show, selling only 100% good wholesome natural foods.