Automatic Transmission filter change thread- pics

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Automatic Transmission filter change thread- pics

Post by Fiat88 »

Started to change my AT filter on the spider yesterday. I noticed that I get a small puddle of tranny fluid on the floor the size of half dollar if I let the car sit a day or two. So I'm trying to locate where the leaks maybe coming from. Seemed to be a couple of places, as the bottom of the pan was coated with trans oil. Gasket was weeping a bit. My plan was to change the filter, pan gasket, whatever comes in the kit and paint the ugly looking trans pan silver.

So, I drained the fluid and dropped the pan. Trans fluid looked good, red-brownish color.
Took me about 2 hours just to clean the outside of that thing! I just got done today painting it with duplicolor silver engine paint. Tomorrow I'm gonna put the filter kit in.

I want to replace the speedo seal. So do I just unscew that knob with a pliers and pull the speedo cable out, take old seal out and put new seal in? Not sure but it doesn't look threaded in all the way, should it go down further :? Pic 3

Also, will see about maybe putting the trans rear seal in. Need to see how I can pull the drive shaft out. I know you guys like pics, so here are some: More tomorrow!

My trans mount looks weird, PO fix?
my pops looks like hes sleeping :lol:
cleaned up, not yet painted

Re: Automatic Transmission filter change thread- pics

Post by Fiat88 »

Finished up the tranny filter change on tuesday and figured out how to change the speedo cable tiny seal. Craftsman hand picks came in handy there. Think I'll leave the trans rear seal for the shop to do, though. :( 8)

Pan came out pretty good. :D

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Re: Automatic Transmission filter change thread- pics

Post by aevansgatech »

I know this is an old post, but where is the actual filter in those pics? I assume it's one of the exposed bits once the pan is off..
1979 Spider 2000 (gone)
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Re: Automatic Transmission filter change thread- pics

Post by AriK »

Its the large flat apparatus with 3 fasteners holding it on.
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