Because this is exclusively a FiatClubAmerica (FLU) sponsored event, we need to be sure that our liability insurance issues are covered. Therefore, registration cost for non-members includes a day-membership fee. Total registration cost for non-members is only $35.00 per vehicle. Non-members will need to download the registration form and mail it along with their payment. Instructions are on the form. Event registration ends 09/10/13. Please visit: to make event reservations.
T-shirts for the event are available when registering at a cost of $15.00 per shirt. T-shirts will be handed out at the event. There will be no extra shirts sold on-site.
Hotel reservations are at a special group rate of $99.00. You will need to refer to our group code “FLU” to get the group rate. Visit: or call (616) 394-0111. Hotel rates are only good through 08/28/13.
Don’t forget that Saturday morning is CRAZY HAT DAY. There will be a contest and a winner selected for the craziest hat worn while cruising Saturday morning.
If you have any questions concerning the event or registration, please do not hesitate to contact me either by phone or email.
Download the brochure here: ... ochure.pdf
Download the non member registration here: ... ration.pdf
FLU Members sign up here: