Brake "chatter"

Maintenance advice to keep your Spider in shape.
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Brake "chatter"

Post by sc81fiat »


Novice question: Can anyone tell me what part the arrow is pointing to and how to get it more secure? I have been hearing a slight rattle over bumps in this area when NOT applying the brakes, but doesn't rattle when brakes are applied. Looked in here and was able to replicate the noise. The part moves slightly when moving wheel back and forth and can move it by hand. Maybe no more than 1/8 in. Basically metal on metal sound. Thinking clips?


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Re: Brake "chatter"

Post by aj81spider »

You're pointing to the brake pad. It looks like you are missing a spring that is probably the cause of your problem. This isn't a great picture, but you can still see the spring you're missing at the front of the pad.


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Re: Brake "chatter"

Post by TX82FIAT »

There are two different types of springs. I like the older longer metal piece type. Not overly difficult to install if you have a picture of how they go in.
Buon giro a tutti! - enjoy the ride!

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Re: Brake "chatter"

Post by micbrody »

Posts: 12
Joined: Sun Oct 25, 2015 8:43 am
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Re: Brake "chatter"

Post by sc81fiat »

Thanks! That helps a ton, I will order some right away!
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