I am plugging along in my restoration of the 1969 Fiat Spider and today I removed the carpet and some of the tar and other covering. I saw there was some rust at the meeting of the firewall and floorboard. There are also some smaller holes closer to the door sill. Overall the floorboard seems really solid in all of the other sections. I think I may just cut the bad areas out and make some metal patches to weld in. I could also go the route of a new floorboard from Wolf Steel, but I am not sure how high up it goes on the firewall.
If anyone has advice on the better way to go, please let me know. Picture of the work follow.
First shot with carpet removed:
Rear seat area is very clean:
Front passenger footwell shows signs of trapped moisture:
Driver side does not look bad at all:
So after a wire wheel cleaning, you can see the holes: