Probably because i didn't drive her too much , i've not have any problems with the spider , My personal live got a lot complicater , for those who dont know me , i've been the murphy of spider owners for quite a while (law of murphy...) , last few months i've been in and out of jobs , spended a lot of money to get the house babay-prepared and deales with the grills of a pregnand wife (yes applouse here please) ! In the meantime i've managed to buy 2 fiat 600 who where ment as practice objects for paint and bodywork , but i got a nice offer on them (+150%) and selled them , after that i also bought a Mini cooper (classic) who probably gets sold tomorrow , on the "mansion" there is been done alot ! I cant tell what standards for you are , but here your one of the priviliged if you can afford a house , I was lucky to get a fixer uppar , anyway Alvon has been here and probably he's the only one who can see progress instead of things yet to be done . Ofcourse you want pictures so judge for yourself
the kitchen before :
kitchen after :
workspace before :
workspace after :
workspace after :