Hello dear Spideristinnen and Spideristis, I would like to give you my experience and
history to my sound project. Me it is clear that I will polarize surely thereby. The camp
will find it good, which will smile at others it and listens say, there I rather the
sound of the exhaust. Now, also I belong honour to latter camp. But listened times hand
on the heart, also you ward already longer on the way and thereby to the music. And in
this case I stand on Hifi Qulitaet. BUT no "full concrete three-BMWS" hopping Basskisten!
My Spider is a 85er DS with luggage file. Into these the previous owner an oval
Dreiwegekoaxsystem of Sony on a small 20 Watt Alpine amplifier had hung. In front in each
case a 10er was point of blue broadband chassis in the floor space. These were directly
attached at the Philips CD/Radio. Thus I was not content. For this reason I exchanged the
radio against a Alpine 7294R with CD change-over switch. I attached the small 20Watt
Alpine amplifier to the front loudspeaker, in the back a Sony 80Watt output stage. That
was already an increase, but I was still not content!
Als next installed I in front a separate 2-Wege-System of MT quart. It concerned the 13cm
Combo of the Discussion: http://www.mbquart.com/2003/en_US/produ ... detail.asp?
I hung the low means Toener into a small plastic housing of Monacor. This is used as
housing for Mitteltoener in condition boxes. But I was content not yet. The sound was
topfig. Of bass could not be spoken. If you openly drive need you simply level
(achievement). Thus Fader to the rear, good to which is bass, sound and level. But then
the three-dimensional sound was missing, there the whole achievement next distant I from
the rear come as the small housings of the front Combo's. You do not believe which that a
sound improvement gave at one time! The chassis continue to come sound-technically much
down as I thought. Now I approached the thing slowly. The level was only missing. Then I
attached test way the Sonyendstufe to the front Combo. And there see, the Dinger make
even for Pegel!Bei the rear Sony 3Wege-Coax had itself in the course of the years, but
the diaphragm suspension discharges. Those were only from foam material and by the UV
light were decomposed. That means an exchange is announce over the years I again and
again thoughts had made, what I could change in my plant, and/or like I this
Vorstelle:•Tiefe tones by the human ear badly and/or do not locate themselves at all. For
this reason the rear 3-Wege-System should be headed for separately. That is, the bass
diaphragm separately from the central and Hochtoener. This would be certainly convertible
at the chassis. However braeuchte I an additional output stage, which could be variable
headed for also specially in the level. I wanted •Vorne a housing, in order to protect
the chassis from the remainder splash-water of the front wheels. This should be as
largely as necessary/possible, erhalten.•Es around as broad a frequency spectrum as
possible for should, clean sound be as more precise as possible. Closed as open. That
means, I need a Equalizer, with which I have the possibility two different attitudes to
store and if possible simple to call kann.•Die originality should remain retained. That
is called the whole installation must as invisibly and/or backpreparable as possible
arranged be-being what me however the whole years from it prevented the project to start,
lay to the fact that this always serves a certain plate. Healterisvollkonkretbumbum;-)
Jetzt began I to inform. Whole expectation which the plate concerns became fully and
fulfills completely! The rear chassis were scrap iron. Which Mach I with the opening? Set
I again new oval Koax there purely, or only a few Subs? What and like much would I like
investment? Since the repainting was decided for this winter, as much existing parts as
possible assigned will-will mine should choice met then the oval Olympic gold of
MacAudio. Three-ways a Coax, which can be headed for separately.Which also with 200 EUR
with mm is payable. In front I wanted to leave the 13 Disken. I wanted the radio, the
change-over switch and the Sonyendstufe also maintained. In front the Sony, in the back a
new one, with which I can head for the deep and Hochtoener separately. That means, a
three-way output stage with inserted Frequenzweiche.Nun went I on a territory on which I
any longer was not been versed. Thus I looked for myself car a Hifi special cunning. I
found that in Erhard wagner from Stuttgart. I described my concrete conceptions, as I
imagined the housings and as small the budget is. The MT quart it are to be inserted but
the housing should be so laid out that also-of 16 chassis are possible. It gave me very
good Tipps and was recommended in the back instead of the 3Wege only a few Subs to
insert. The rear 2 ways bring only 10-20% of the sound. A good front system does not need
additional rear central and Hochtoener. Also he did not find beaconing with the Sony
optimal. The space conditions in Spider are limited. For the tail system an additional
output stage was needed. He suggested 5 channel output stage to me. Equipment for all
loudspeakers. In addition has also equal the appropriate frequency switches also on
board. That was very pleasant to me. And now it went to the preserving. Speak building of
housings. With my slope to perfectionism it was clear that the empty space behind the
fender between door stop and front wheel should be used, bestmoeglichst by a loudspeaker
housing. This is built from GRP. A friendly light aircraft manufacturer me thereby to
certainly help. Thus I began with the production of a Positvform from polystyrene for the
right and also for the left side. That was a Sauerei. I have the whole garage of my
landlord with Styroschleifstaub embed afterwards the forms were primed and sanded. That
looked already very much promising! Now the dividing line was specified, and separated
exactly at this the beautiful parts into two halves. Now subsequently, glued on a
baseplate from hard fiber, and in Silbergraumetallic colored autolacquer painted (stop
had nothing different one to the Hand).
Now it went to the production of the female forms. From these the actual loudspeaker
housings are produced later. Thus one could present even a small series.
•Mehrmaliges coat the form with separation wax. Each layer dry let and up-polish. At
least 5 Schichten.
•Aufbringen of black form resin.
•Das resin angelierte with a mixture from cotton flakes and glass fiber shreds is coated.
This gives a clutch layer for the later Laminierung.
•Laminieren to the later form with epoxy resin and glass fiber fabric. At least 5-8
layers. There properly material drauf!
•Nach the drying process over night at ambient temperature the forms were annealed
afterwards 10 hours with 60°C. Only this brings the Endhaerte.•Anschliessendes to forming
out. That was genuine stretching!
manufactured so my first four form halves. A full success. I of course again
possibilities for improvement found, but but it was now too late. Now to the first
prototypes of the final Gehaeuse!Der production process is similar the building of forms
was. Only that I wanted saving for reasons of the assembly as much as possible in weight.
So I had to make a structure of sand yielding the better pressure strength. The meant
however that I had to manufacture the parts in 2 work procedures with respective
intermediate drying, which takes place under vacuum. That was a challenge and a material
battle. And directly with the first Projekt!Nach releasing from form and, the inner
surfaces of the housings with "Brax anti-roar paste" besaeumen were fullly painted. This
is to absorb and/or eliminate the impact sound of the housings. Subsequently, the housing
halves were stuck together with one another. To the drying process the first Anprobe at
the later designation of location came. The trouble had been worthwhile itself! The
Auslitern resulted in a volume of 10 litres! Now I showed total weight per part of 1,2Kg.
Now I showed my "Hifi dealer of the confidence" the conditions of the project. That was
inspired lightup. With so an expenditure it recommended an full-active system. That
means, each loudspeaker is headed for by a seperatem loudspeaker channel. This was
problem-free realizable with the planned output stage. Now all more compromiseless for
Hifi one designed. In the meantime I knew also which with the today's geraetschaften of
everything am possible. I did not want to use a new radio however for budget reasons.
Meins is still topp correct. In addition I have very much on cartridge. Yes, smiles at me
now only;-)Vorne one should in addition, equal of 16 a Combo be used. Here I relied fully
and completely on Eddy. Something already disconcerted was I. I found the loudspeaker
system in no test report. This belonged to the philosophy of the manufacturer larva in
Germany those do not have that necessarily and Eddy swears on the Teile!Nun had I first
times enough from the sound project. For diverson I started the "project lacquer finish".
This have I already 10 years before me moved over....
the installation of the housings lined up however now.
But the installation of the housings lined up now. Loudspeaker opening purely, the
existing opening in the sheet metal on that adapted of 16, and? Fits! The contact area to
the body have I with Wuerth "sticks and seals" durable closed. Damming wool and chassis
purely, fertig.
parallel to it were again shifted the cables. The stromkabel to the output stage received
a cross section from 30mm². The same cable was again laid also for the starter. I led the
river across the driver's side. The audio signals were again shifted over the front seat
passenger side in network hose. Like that it was guaranteed that it gives to no
interferences by energized cables. Here it was of advantage that the interior of paint
was ago still completely divided. All cables manufactured and exactly cut to length-
cutting to length those output stage came to the old place of the CD change-over switch.
At the rear front wall. This tapers itself in the center to the passenger space. (aeltern
Spider to Bj. 83 has here the battery.) Now around it to install however there I had to
build only a mounting plate, around the diagonal bordwand to umgehen.
Now it went to the housings for the Hochtoener. These should be installed as satellites
either onto the instrument panel or to the lower cowl. Thus Erstmal a positive form on
the turning lathe turned. At the same time the mounting plates for the satellites were
manufactured. Glue on on a mother board. Sand and paint. The same play as above already
described. So slowly routine rein.
The next challenge came with the new luggage file. As already said, it became always
compromise-loose. I had myself to insert in the meantime in addition decided in the back
to 2 Subwoofer with in each case 25 cm diameters. Everyone requires a closed volume of 21
litres gross. This was not feasible with the original crate. Thus I did not come around a
new building drumrum. Since slowly the time scarcely it is already July should the
housing as unique piece without forms be manufactured. The expenditure had become now too
large me. Production of the Gehaeusewannen:•direkt in the vehicle with expanded metal
gestaltet•mit foil deflected and with in each case 2 layers of GRP
auslaminieren•entformen •im car both tubs with 22 litres water fully to run in each case
leaves, wasserlinie markieren•Trocknen to leave, sandblast (for the adhesion) and with 5
layers of GRP laminieren•Einbau the original Kofferablage•Markieren of height, cutting
the GRP tubs to length on the same Hoehe•Schallwand from 25er MDF to cut to form and
following anpassen•Aufkleben additionally together the laminiert.•Anpassen
Abschlussbretts•Bespannen, general finish work defiance of the demanded 22 litres for
each Woofer became the new luggage file only 15mm more highly, than the Original!
with "stick and seal",
The attitude of the active frequency switches settled Eddy. With its experience that
could be done very fast. The sound check was simply ingenious. I was absolutely inspired.
The expenditure was worthwhile itself! That of 16 Combo draws very finely and precisely.
The levels are simple phaenomenal. The bass beautifully low-handing. It makes correctly
fun like the system plays. But I was not yet completely content. The stage image was not
yet cleanly enough. This was correctable however only over the change of the loudspeaker
running times. But but I need a sound processor. About this employment I had already for
a long time thought. It is however again additional equipment, which needs also a
designation of location. And here I had still no new one for the CD change-over switch.
Where I should clean-build then still the processor. Now where already all cables lie. A
further change was absolutely ausgeschlossen!Aus this reason does rather I without the CD
change-over switch and the cartridges. Built instead a Alpine CD radio of the type 9835R
in. As replacement for the change-over switch is used shortly iPod.However the exchange
of the Headunit brought again a clear sound improvement! Then the active frequency switch
with the parametric Equalizer and run time price increase over the radio makes the whole
thing combined perfectly. At the radio I have now also the possibility the whole
attitudes, whether openly or closed drive, accordingly to store and over few keys call.
This is however not at all necessary. Because the achievement is more than sufficient.
The whole sound comes from the front. The stage is direct over the instrument panel. With
open drive lose you eh only to bass, and I can that by an additional depressing the key
anschliesend like the volume increase and/or lower
Fazit:Der expenditure was immensely, nevertheless built I at the system (with
interruptions) from October to August, but the result is absolutely convincing! Who does
not place so high requirements against the sound, and/or also compromises is received can
very easily at little expenditure a good sound into its Spider build itself. The decision
is with everyone. I for my part make me happy, which beautiful sound of the technique
speak exhaust and the sound of the fine plant depending upon desire and mood to listen-
listening who on the taste came now, and likewise at such a project dares itself, wishes
I much fun thereby. It is worthwhile itself in any case!