The Inn of the Hills Resort will be our venue. It is located in the town of Kerrville, TX. just N.W. of San Antonio and is the gateway to some of the finest driving and scenic roads in the Hill Country of Texas. We will meet there Thursday evening 3/20 and I have 2 full days of fun roads and activities planned for Friday & Saturday with everyone checking out after breakfast Sunday.
I have negotiated a terrific rate of $89 per night and have blocked 40 rooms for “The Fiat Group”. We can start making reservations immediately using that name for our special rate and they can be canceled up to 30 days in advance if you have something come up. This event will be held “Rain or Shine” cause my name is on the contract

This is a family event and the drives will be planned for the enjoyment of seeing the scenery and NOT trying to get to the next stop as quickly as possible. We are trying to see if we can add some track time at Harris Hill where we went last year for the Thursday morning of 3/20 and then those that visit the track can meet up in Kerrville that evening.
Please contact “Inn of the Hills” at toll free# 800-292-5690
Tell them you are with the “Fiat Group”
Rate $89 for single or double
Dates “check in” 3/20 – check out” 3/23 2014
Any questions
Mike Rutenberg
cell # 713-504-1751