blufun wrote:what kind of issue are you having? Thanks.
Hi blufun
Yep my trans started popping out of 4th gear about 3 years ago. Sometimes it would stay in gear and sometimes it would pop out.
It got worse and wouldn't stay in 4th gear at all. Really didn't like shifting from 3rd to just seems weird and hard to get used to, Last year the trans gave up completely.
My Fiat mechanic says that I abused my clutch so much that he had never seen one so bad (lotsa little spring parts everywhere).

While it was out, he rebuilt it with parts from the trans we got from Tom (tx Tom) and other parts he had around. Considering the last time the trans/clutch was done (13 years/70,000 miles ago), I wasn't surprised things were worn. Sorry I can't tell you exactly what he replaced but it's working like it should since then. I am lucky to have a Fiat guy (Canadan) nearby that knows what he is doing.
Good luck with your trans but I hate to say it, based on my experience, it will get worse.