Nanonevol wrote:If you're just an average backyard mechanic like me, it's fairly challenging. But it is rewarding and no real special tools needed.
There are some videos out there on You Tube.
I think I'm up for the challenge!
Started today. Removed the speedo cable and reverse indicator. Got all the bolts loosened up on the bell housing and starter from underneath. As expected the driver's top bell housing bolt was the worst but only took about 20 mins and lots of extensions! No rounded/stripped/broken bolts which is what my big worry always is when doing a job on the car for the 1st time.
Tomorrow I'll remove the guibo (spelling?) driveshaft connection and I'll support the transmission with a low profile jack, remove all the bolts (including starter), support bracket and then hope I can move it back from the engine without too much prying. And hope I'll have room under the car to move it back and lower it enough to get it out.
And yep, I've watched the videos. They're quite useful for sure. I think the one special tool I'll need is the one to remove the bearing from the shafts. At least that's what he used in the video.