I've been working on my welding skills. and here is an update on my miata seats installation.
1.I removed the seat mounting towers in my Fiat
2.got the mounting towers from a miata.( 1,2 and 3 from each side)
3.and weld those to the fiat floor. ( had a little trouble on the drivers side as is not
very uniform but solved by welding a flat piece I got from lowes)
cellphone pics (sorry)
I'll get pictures of the seats in place soon, but finally they seat about the same high as the original seats. I want to clean the floors and apply a spray-on bedliner I got, its called Raptor.. we'll see how that comes out.
I also plan to do something like this to the turn lights found some plastic lights that are slightly bigger that the front holes. they hold a bulb similar to the bulb used on the stop turn lights. I was surprised by how they look when placing them behind the holes.
an last have anyone tryed something like this:
I really would like to see somethind like this done to my dash pieces Iwas planing to cut new pieces myself but wood is not my forte and I have an '83 and the center piece is a little more complicated to fabricate... what do you guys think?