Alright, well after about two weeks of solid work on the car, the paint job is now finished. We stripped the whole car down to bare metal, and painted it like that. This is the second attempt at a paint job that we have worked on. The only problem we had was dust building up on the final gloss coat. We didn't have the best setup, painting it in a barn with a makeshift paint booth, but here are the photos, and I think it turned out really well. The colour is metallic Daytona blue. I've seen a car on this site that was Daytona blue and when it came time to paint it I decided that I wanted that colour.
Haha thanks for the comments everyone. That Chevelle is my brother's, its not quite running up to par but my father and him are working on it, now that my car's pretty much done its his turn.
Ron I had actually thought about that. I've seen those blue badges on newer Fiats when I was in Europe. I don't know if the sizes match up at all, but is it possible to get blue ones that fit our spiders?
I don't know. I just went ahead and bought a red car so my badges would match! Mark's got the side badges in all the colors, we just need him to work on getting the round badges in colors also.
Ron Luxmore
'82 2000 Spider: after 26 years between Spiders.
It was a great quality paint, worked very nicely, the only errors were due to our setup really, just some dust and overspray, typical painting issues, especially for newbies like us. It was base coat clear coat.