Advice on essential spares to carry along...

Maintenance advice to keep your Spider in shape.
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Advice on essential spares to carry along...

Post by MIGHTY 8 »

Hello everyone,

Hopefully we're seeing the last of what Mother nature wants to throw our way before driving season begins!

I haven't done much in the way of long distance driving in my spider, but that may soon change. I would like to start a subject on what everyone's recommendations would be, regarding what essential items one should carry along before venturing out.

I am specifically interested in "hardware" spare parts ( think spare ball-joints, hoses, belts, etc...), as opposed to the obvious flashlights, flares, cell phones, etc... What stories do you have to contribute, where a handy fuel pump in the glovebox, saved you from having to wait a few days in a hotel for IAP fedex one in!

I realize that a lot of these items depend on certain factors related to one's car, ie. FI vs. carbs. In my case, I have the dual Weber set-up.

To make the responses a bit clearer to read, I would respectfully request that any responses be in the form of, say a checklist. (1., 2., 3., etc...)

Thank you all in advance and see you out on the road soon!
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Re: Advice on essential spares to carry along...

Post by kmead »

Clutch cable
Throttle cable
Points and condenser (or hall sensor for the electronic distribuor)
Rotor and distributor cap
Fuel Filter
Accessory belt(s)
Various bulbs for the tail, side and turn signal lights
A selection of fuses
A test light/voltmeter

Anything more than this would sideline you anyway and you wouldn't want to do that work by the side of the road.

1969 Fiat 850 Sports Coupe
1970 Fiat 124 Sports Coupe
1985 Bertone X1/9
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