Finished this yesterday, it was actually a pretty easy one person job. Just use a floor jack to support the door, with a 2x4 piece to adjust to the door lip underneath. The hinge plates at front can be adjusted, and there is about 1/8" to maybe 3/16" or more adjustment in the door striker plate. The rubber door bumper has a tiny amount of adjustment play; and it needs more. It can be set to lift the sag slightly when the door is closed. It mounts to a floating nut plate behind. Got it all pretty close, not perfect, but good enough for this car. I didn't go through the effort to pull the driver's side door panel, getting that remote mirror adjustment back properly in place is a royal pita.
Moved the door striker inboard about 3/16" or so, and replaced the bottom bolt with a longer one. The thread engagement is remarkably little on this, not sure if it came from the factory that way, but the old bolt looked original.
No adjustment available for the bottom receptacle, but the rubber bumper has a little play in it.
I avoided going inside the door card to get to the third screw, was able to do the adjustments at the frame hinges without disturbing the door.
Pull the 10mm bolts for the retention strap to get at the heads of the 13mm hinge mounting bolts.
It came out pretty well, without having to go inside the door. Even gaps both sides of the car now.